Sometimes the scales do not match your feelings. I really felt I was going to weigh 222 or 223, but facts are a funny thing sometimes. I guess it is better luck next time for me and if I am not careful the villains will run the score up.
I think my problem is that I have been eating to many tomatoes. Sometimes over 10 a day and I need to be more dilligent in my calorie counting. Looking to the weight loss winners will be my inspiration this week. Good job for everyone who discarded bodyfat this week.
I wouldn't let a little fluctuation bother you too much. Ten tomatoes does sound like a lot, but I don't think they have a lot of calories, do they? Anyhow, look at your overall progress and use this as motivation to remain diligent.
Thanks Halfman
Sorry to hear that, Captain, but as Half Man said, don't let it discourage you. You've lost so much - you know you can to do this. Weight sometimes just fluctuates for no apparent reason. Hang in there.
I'm with Half Man on this. Yes, the calories on the tomatoes begin to add up, but let's face it, you didn't get get fat because you ate too many tomatoes. I faced a similar thing with broccoli when I successfully made the journey from 192 to 125.5. I think one of the reasons I failed to maintain my loss was that I got overly concerned with the calorie count of healthful foods. After 3 apples, I felt off target. This triggered a binge. I don't think I'd be dealing with the regain my attitude about the apples had been less severe.
I want to commend you on your struggle for weight loss.
You are to be admired.
Dear Jeff,
Every week I stumble on new blogs of people losing weight, in some cases a lot of weight. My journey has only just begun. But I just love reading blogs like yours.
When I read your blog I realise that the real challenges are still ahead.
1. Losing the last few pounds
2. keeping them off.
And I should know. I once lost all the weight I gained, and now face 20% extra. Granted it took me 14 years, but still!
I will follow your blog and progress with much interest. I will link your blog to mine, I hope this is alright.
Can you really eat too many tomatoes??? I am crushed!
One pound is nothing. You can lose one pound just visiting the restroom... Don't let the numbers get to you. It is about the weight, but the attitude is more important! After all, didn't Captain America become Nomad or some other character for a while?? It was still the same CA positive attitude though.
Hang in there! You are doing so great don't let the numbers get to you. Switch to cucumbers and avoid "evil" tomatoes ;)
What happened to all the other anonymous bloggers? You used to have tons of visitors, they were not all villains.
A couple of your anonymous characters used to visit my blog and they have disappeared. Sort of miss the guys.
I mentioned this to Karen, who seems to always be on a "diet" (or at least pretending to be on a diet), and she said it's called a "plateau". Sometimes the body just has to adjust.
Good luck with the tomato thing. Karen told me once she ate so many carrots it turned the skin around her knuckles orange. Granted, Karen is pretty white, but that still must have been a lot of carrots.
10 tomatoes, are you sure it wasn't 10 pizza's Jeff. I know how you like that pizza hut all you can eat buffet.
With love,
You were constantly moderating all comments. How would that give you the incentive to lose weight. The villains were not defeated, but had a huge win, because you "captain" could take the heat. You still decided to stay in the kitchen. Villains 6, Captain 0.
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