Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Captain down to 231

The Captain came down with a gum infection, went to the doctor, and had to get on antibiotics. I literally could not drink more than a few protein shakes a day without intense pain, and I was taking 8 alleves a day. It really was a miserable couple of days.
I also worked in the fields 11 hours a day stringing tomatoes and pounding heavy stakes into the ground. A sort of "perfect storm" of marathnon physical work,extreme pain, and a forced atkins diet. My jaw finally felt better this morning and I am now only taking 2 alleves. However, I am taking myself out of this weeks weight loss challenge. This is simply due to the fact that a swollen jaw gaves me an unfair advantage, but interestingly enough I would not wish this advantage on anyone. Any takers? My goal next week is to stay at 231 and not regain a loss due to sickness. This can be easy to do. Thanks again Spider for the great plug on your last post, and fantastic job half the man for losing almost 4 pounds.
Final Fifty
Jeff Rhodes


Kim L said...

Wow! A gum infection? Really? Sorry ... that must totally suck. I hope you lose this week AND next week.

Dawn said...

That sounds so-oo painful. Hope you're enjoying being back at the farm although 11 hour days don't sound too much fun. Don't overdo it - particularly when you're not well.

angelfish24 said...

Way to go on losing some even if it was cause your sick. Sorry about your gum infection, ouch. You can keep on losing, just keep on moving. Your doing so great.

**Mellisa** said...

Hope you feel better soon ...
Thanks for you comment on my blog.... Pleased to meet you!!

Moby Dick said...

It is great to see you doing so well in terms of weight loss. I don't think anyone can top 8 pounds. Whether or not it is illness, it still counts.

I appreciated your sentiments regarding Happy Father's Day. How many children do you have? I hope you had a HFD too!

Anonymous said...

Not the ideal way to lose a lb or two that's for sure. Glad to hear you are on the mend though.

Health and Happiness, Lady Rose

Half Man said...

Did I read that right? Did you lose 8 lbs. in 4 days? That is incredible! I wonder how much it would cost to have my jaws wired shut? Hmmm! LOL. Sorry to hear about the gum problems. That really stinks. I hope that you get back to normal soon.

"The Captain" said...

My weight yesterday was 232.5, but today it was 231.4. Anytime you go down to sub 800 calorie a day range there will be a bounce back. I am eating about 2800 calories a day. My formula has always been times your bodyweight by 10 and subtract 500. What I am excited about is that in one year you can be at the weight I am now or even a little bit better.
Thanks KL,Dawn,angelfish24, and Mellisa for posting. Make sure to vote in my poll on whether to ship the unruly guest to the "phat"om zone. Take care.

"The Captain" said...

I meant to say 1800 calories a day instead of 2800.

Anonymous said...

50 bucks Jeff wears a girdle.

Half Man said...

I tagged you for a "meme".

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!