seven deadly sinsAdd to My Profile |
More VideosRan into Chris a few days ago. He spoke of obesity being one of the seven deadly sins.He has lost over 65 pounds and deserves a standing ovation.
Are the obese and superobese similar to the drunks and drug addicts that you can find on skidrow? Heroin users wear long sleeves, while the obese shop at the tall and fat shop to hide their bodies. Employers can require applicants to submit to a drug test, while the obese may cheer at stopping the dopers, they hypocritically apply for a disable placard and demand a scooter. Maybe the druggies are more honest? "Food" for thought. The captain has 6 more pounds to permantly set sail for overweightville and leave obesetropolis behind forever. It takes losing 114 lbs. to finally see the truth.Ex methheads see how wrong their habits were and how they weren't being good citizens. Do we care that we skyrocket the nations health care bill? I include myself because I have been part of the problem. Is the captain cracked? Hopefully, my fans can give their feedback. Remember, annoymous commenters need to leave handles. It helps promose a healthy exchange. Finally,follow the finalfifty program and come aboard. It is time to never look back!!!
The Captain