Saturday, March 31, 2007

Herbal T gets Spicy: Bret Silva interivew part 2

Herbal T talks about his diet plans,motivation for the obese, and his relationship with Gingler Lynn.
The Captain

Diet tips from a rapper part 2

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Herbal T responds to his critics

Herbal T had a few choice words about Dave,Basher,Jimmy,guys who lift weights on rubber balls, and his future rap battle with K-FED. Herbal T has lost over 125 lbs. Good Job!
"The Captain"

Diet tips from Herbal T

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Greed is Good

I have to stay away from Hometown Buffet. I always overeat there. That is why I failed 5 years ago and regained over a hundred pounds. Today, I try to put myself into positions where the odds are in my favor,a form of insider trading for fat people (smile) with no jail time,but a punitive smaller waiste size (punishment from the SEC). Remember, Gordon Gecko's wisdom,"Greed is good". Be greedy about your fat loss. The idea of creating a winning environment is a golden key to your success.
The Captain

March 25, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Captain Likes Broccoli

The captain is rattling your cage to lose some weight.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A message to the Peanut Gallery

.I usually don't respond to the peanuts. I try to shake off the criticism like water off a duck's back. But one nimrod told me to turn Dr. Phil off. Jimmy, without Dr. Phil I wouldn't have had the keys to lose 112 lbs. I owe a great deal to his show and hope to meet him in person someday to shake his hand. If it wasn't for him I would have ended up like this gentleman.Next week the good doctor is having a show on juvenile delinquents. Maybe you should tune in.
The Captain

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Captain starts a Podcast. Click to subcribe

I wanted to invite the fans of to subcribe to my podcast. I will be adding a new show once or twice a week. I started the podcast off with audio archives. Here is a link to subcribe through itunes or any other service Just copy and past it. Unlike weight loss, it is very simple. I appreciate all your support.View RSS XML

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Titus prevented from helping the Captain

Basher,Stryker,Dave,Jimmy, and Bo Skinny hatched a plot to prevent Craig Titus from helping me lose another pound. Back to Breakevenville. Hopefully Vince Neil can bail him out.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Captain drops a Pound . 38 to Go!!!!

I didn't beat Anorexia, nor have I ever even been considered skinny, but I did finally lose that pound which almost felt impossible, and on we cheer success over all eating disorders.
Final Fifty,
Captain Out