Monday, May 19, 2008

More on the Beer Diet

It looks our friend Spidey is dead wrong on the evils of drinking beer. Our favorite bug needs to learn some simple math!!!
Miracle Beer Diet - The best video clips are right here


Anonymous said...

nice job captain, is that your gal, she's friggin hot dude.


Anonymous said...

nice job captain, is that your gal, she's friggin hot dude.


Moby Dick said...

That's not his girlfriend. Captain Flab is married to Budweiser.

Lose some weight, pal. Halfman is mocking you now.

Brad Clements said...

That video ROCKS... So far from the truth though, A 12 pack for her to puke is like a 30 pack for me to puke, oh well...

ArleneWKW said...

Well i didn't listen to video, though I had it on for about 30 seconds without sound. I had the sound turned off and didn't want to get up to turn it on. Soooooo, were y'all waiting to see if GG (gorgeous girl) dropped her panties too?? :)

My 2 cents on the beer issue; Carbos shmarbos! Ultimately it comes down to calories (energy) consumed against calories (energy)used, in other words eating and exercise. Ideally one's weight loss "diet," should be pretty much like one's maintenance diet. If you want to drink beer in moderation when you are at your goal weight, certainly you should be able to enjoy some beer as you lose weight. It's a matter of how you choose to make your food choices. For me that means Jim Beam stays on the shelf so that I can have ice cream or angel foods cake. Or a really big fuji apple.

Moby Dick said...

Where is your lightweight wimp pal now? Did Squirt dry up and blow away??

Anonymous said...

YA SURE!!! That's why you are so fuckin' skinny.....cause you drank all the beer!!! Nice try BLIMPIE!!!

Kenneth "The Rod" Watkins