Monday, December 11, 2006

Saved by Zero

The waters have been choppy for the Captain.I am going to try to steer a clear new dedicated path next week. The problem I had the past couple of days was that I got my FIXX on a few to many cookies.How unfortunate!!! Luckily, I ended up with a Zero pound loss, and dodged a big weight gain. Back to the Track.
Final Fifty,
Jeff Rhodes


Anonymous said...

good job cookie monster.

Anonymous said...


If you were captain of a shipwreck, I'd be your first mate. You're working me with this final fifty I'll tell you that. Maybe you should ride that bike you never have owned.

Anonymous said...

The Fixx...Bitchin' Band!!!! Didn't they sing that song that goes something like...One cake, oh one cake, leads to another. Obviously, you listened to that song a lot.

It's hip to be The HOOKER.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you used to shop at Pig and Tall For Men after you ate your Piggie Fries.
And for that other blogger, what do you mean by "If Jeff were the captain of a shipwreck?" He stepped on the boat and that mo fo ship sank to the bottom. Done deal.

What the hell, CA

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a weight-LOSS site. All you do is mumble on and on about how much weight you didn't gain. How stupid. Millions, and probably billions of people go day to day, month to month, and year to year not gaining weight. What's the big deal?

FLOAT ON dude...


Anonymous said...

He isn't "Saved by Zero", he just "Craved a Hero" a hero sandwich that is.