Friday, August 25, 2006

A Thousand points of lite

George Herbert Walker Bush, in his inagural address, challenged America to become a kinder,gentler nation through a thousand points of lights. These lights continue to make our country a beacon of hope.
There is a weight loss principle here. A thousand good food and exercise choices will yield a lifetime of health and wellness for you and your family. A candy bar forsaken once results in a savings of a mere 240 calories, or (240/3500)th of a pound. That same candy bar abandoned 1000 times equals 69 pounds. A 260 lb. man walking one mile exerts 150 calories. Times that by 1000!!!! What if you didn't use your remote control, but you got up off the couch to change the channel? What if you stood up while watching and became a standing potato? Maybe even moved around a little bit and did this again and again and again. I think obesity doesn't stand a chance if we follow our beloved 41st Presidents advice.
Final Fifty,
Jeff Rhodes


Anonymous said...

You should learn to publish your comments when your awake BIG BOY, that way they will seem to make sense to other people that read them, not just yourself. You seem to spell "light" in several different ways. If we are to follow our President's advice and relate that to eating, I think we'll all end up being in places we shouldn't be like Taco Bell...Does that ring a border bell for you Jeff. I have to give a shout out to "fit and trim" from Florida...At least somebody knows what's going on. I was in San Francisco, Cali several years ago and went on a whale watching trip...Was that you I saw back in the Spring of 2003?
Harold (Nulli Secundus) Latin terminology meaning "SECOND TO NONE"

"The Captain" said...

Usually the criticism of overweight people are "Why don't they do anything about it?",or "How can they live that way?", or even "They must not love their families being a walking heart attack" Your criticism is unique and unusual.
Personally, I am glad that Jarod Fogel of Subway, Jim Toth,the winner of the Dr. Phil Weight loss Challenge, and former fattie have chronicled their journeys to become healthy in order to inspire others. I am just trying to be part of that solution.
Final Fifty,
Jeff Rhodes

Anonymous said...


Glad to realize you know what time period we live in. When Jeff was refering to the thousand points of life, he was refering to ex-President Bush, the senior model, not his son that is president now. He was using a literary device, or play on words.

I'm glad you are second to none. In that case, just call me none.

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody out there who thinks that having a website about yourself losing weight is cool?