Sunday, March 18, 2007

A message to the Peanut Gallery

.I usually don't respond to the peanuts. I try to shake off the criticism like water off a duck's back. But one nimrod told me to turn Dr. Phil off. Jimmy, without Dr. Phil I wouldn't have had the keys to lose 112 lbs. I owe a great deal to his show and hope to meet him in person someday to shake his hand. If it wasn't for him I would have ended up like this gentleman.Next week the good doctor is having a show on juvenile delinquents. Maybe you should tune in.
The Captain


Moby Dick said...

I am glad that you got some kind of inspiration from Dr. Phil, but I think he is just like Maury or Jerry Springer, except he tries to look like he cares about people. Maybe he does? I will check out his show again when I can.

"The Captain" said...

Some of the people on Dr. Phil's show can't be helped. I tend to only watch his show when it deals with obesity though. His CD program on weight really helped me.

mrjwhit~ said...

Hey Cap. Glad you found inspiration in Dr. Phil's show. I've never been a talk show fan, but that seemed like a helpful show. Keep rocking on brother.

"The Captain" said...

Thanks for the support.