Monday, October 23, 2006

Number One

I was a little discouraged with the weigh in. I lost one pound for 2 1/2 weeks. I have 41 lbs. to go.


Anonymous said...

hey a pound is a pound

Anonymous said...

This path or road you are on is an endless torture to yourself and probably everyone around you...Face it. YOU ARE FAT!!! NINE POUNDS since July. That's a little over 2 pounds a month. That's a cake and half every other week. You could lose that much weight by just WALKING, instead of driving, to the donut shop. You SHOULDN'T be a "little" disappointed in yourself...You SHOULD be a LOT angry with yourself. You SHOULD feel so stupid for starting a hike down a never-ending trail. Take off your hiking boots and go back to eating smores at the campfire. Your website is so utterly discouraging it makes me want to starve myself and then dry heave. You're a great motivator. Keep it up... (your weight that is)
P.S. You should be on that new reality show...I forget what it's called..."The Biggest Gainer" or "The Smallest Loser"

Edward in Charleston
A.K.A. (Fast Eddie)

Anonymous said...

Number one? Lets face it Jeff, you are a big round ZERO!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't we just pass a law to make being fat illegal? I know it sounds funny but think about it. Being fat is just as bad as doing drugs>they are illegal. The fat police could fine people periodically who are overweight. Great way to inspire people to lose it. We could make it illegal for restaurants to serve fat people too. And grocery stores could only sell fat people fruit and vegetables. Fine people like $10 for every pound they are overweight. Or have people file a new schedule on their tax return claiming their wieght. Subtract your normal weight and pay for excess pounds. The money could go to poor kids who cannot afford food. Just some ideas, what do you think Jeff? Now that you lost all the weight and are not fat, you wouldn't have to worry. I don't think fat people should go to jail or anything, but fining them might help them out. Like they tax cigarettes, people stop smoking and they are healthier. When you lose weight, then you are allowed to go to restaurants again. In ten years we can eliminate obesity and feed the poor. Tell me what you think. Maybe we can call our senators.


Anonymous said...

Yea a pound is a pound, and a dollar is a dollar, and a yen is a yen. A dollar buys a burger, a yen buys two, how many does a pound buy?

Anonymous said...

Frank, that's a great idea. But, the only problem with your whole idea is it needs to be more thorough. Airlines should charge people by the pound and not the seat. Think about it...It's going to take 5 times the jet fuel to lift a 250 pound man off the ground as it would a 50 child. The same should go for any public transportation...buses, trains, etc. I do agree with the whole restraunt thing...It's a novel idea. And the tax on extra weight...Marvelous It's about time somebody brave enough comes forward to speak their mind. The fat people are the ones that should be getting taxed the most. After all, they're the reason why health and medical insurance is so expensive. The list of health problems is endless for fat people. Frank, I do disagree about the fining of fat people though. I would rather see them written up and issued citations. You get three citations...It's turns to a misdemeanor. Six misdemeanors in any one city, within a year's period and it's a strike. It's harsh yes, but it makes sense. We have to do something now.

Derrick DeRoth

Anonymous said...


I have helping the morbidly obese for years with much success. However, in your case their is absolutely NO HOPE!!!

Richard Simmons

Anonymous said...


I have helping the morbidly obese for years with much success. However, in your case their is absolutely NO HOPE!!!

Richard Simmons

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jeff, I like your website. It is neat. I like to lose weight too. One time I lost 6 pounds in two days. I gained it back though. It sucked. We went camping and forgot to bring food. We left it at home. We we got back we ate it. Losing weight is like video games to me. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. On video games I can continue the same game. I guess that's like going to bed at night and continuing the weight loss game the next day. Do you think it is better to have a diet high in protein or low in carbohydrates? Or high carbohydrates and high protein? Or high protein and low carbohydrates? I want to be strong, but not real strong. But, pretty strong. Just strong enough that people think I am really strong, but I'm really not. Then that way I can trick them because they thought I was stronger than I really am. See what I mean? How could I do it? I ate tuna and cheese tonight. Tomarrow I will eat lots of cereal and bread. No, I mean no cereal or bread. Just whole wheat pasta. I won't eat sauce because I don't like tomatoe sauce. It gives me a stomach ache. That's one reason I never eat pizza. But pepperoni and sausage is protein and bread is carbs so it is a good mix. Different diets say to do different things. Have you noticed that? That's strange because it would seem like a diet would be just one thing. Can a person do two diets at one time? Did you don two diets at once when you lost a hundred pounds? I guess the more diets you do the more you lose. I read on you're site you are from Kingsburg. I know somebody who lives in California. My cousin. He lives in Bakerfield. He is a welder. It's pretty cool being a welder because of that blue light when you weld. It's so bright you have to wear a mask or you will get blinded. My dad thought your website was really neat. He said you probably help many people in losing weight. He said it is nice of you to take the time to help people. But, my older brother said it was stupid and gay. He's all into sports and girls though. I guess he's what you call a jock. He plays football for Arizona State University. What does he know? He's always out partying with girls. He doesn't even get on the internet. I think it's way better to have a website like this one and read blogs from people all over the United States than to waste time with girls and playing sports. People may call us fat, computer nerds, or even fat nerds, and other names, but at least we don't have girls calling us all night waking us up. Right Jeff? When we turn our computers off, business stops. And besides, if we want to get hot chicks, we can just look at them on the internet. There's a lot of hot chicks on the internet. I think over a million. My brother maybe only knows like 200 hot chicks. You and I can get access to over 1,000,000. Who's the winner now? It's us. Answer my questions please and I'll read the answers later.

Your friend,

Tom, 21
I live in Arizona

Anonymous said...

Fat people should be bought and sold just like slaves until they are skinny. As slaves, they could be used to pick cotton or even disk orchards and vineyards if you hooked a plow up to them.

Corcoran, CA

Anonymous said...

Great to see another awesome fat-bashing site. Keep up the good work Jeff. One of my personal favorites is

Down with the fatties!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great idea Jeremiah, but they might end up eating all the fruit in the orchards and the vineyards. Then the poor farmer wouldn't have any fruit to sell.

Anonymous said...


Send them to the FAT FARM!!!!

How many calories do you burn picking cotton Jeff???


Anonymous said...

Send them to Alaska, the eskimos can harpoon them. More blubber than most whales anyways. One fat person could carry an entire villiage through a cold winter.

Anonymous said...

Would you sell the fat people by the pound?

That might get expensive!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah, I agree 100%. You want to buy my old lady? Her butt is the size of a volkswagon. I'll sell her really cheap too. Save me a bunch of money every month.

Anonymous said...

Good idea Jeremy, but, I dont think they would fit down the rows in the orchards.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the cotton smell from the fat, gross people dripping their stinky sweat all over it? I mean, the jeans or t-shirts they make from the cotton would probably be tainted for life. And another thing, fat people are very lazy, how much would they actually pick?They would rather pick their butts than pick the cotton. Good thought though Jeremiah. I mean the reality is they would be daydreaming about french fries when they should be working. Fat people are just too undependable. And to comment on an earlier post, maybe they should be fined - and prohibited from breeding.

Just a thought guys, please give me your feedback.

Clarence in Omaha

Anonymous said...

Clarence, I admire your true honesty and principles that would make this world a better place. "Prohibit fat people from breeding" is undeniably one of the best ideas I've ever heard of. CLARENCE FOR GOVERNOR in 2006. A possible slogan for you...NO FAT PARENTS, VOTE FOR CLARENCE.
